Sometimes we feel so disconnected from the world. But the greatest misery comes from being disconnected from your spirit.
This is why I started my yoga journey. I have struggled a lot with doing what felt right for me and what made me happy and excited. Most of the time, I chose to do what I thought I should do and not what I needed to do. This led to a lot of unfortunate and unnecessary sadness and a constant feeling of discomfort. I felt this way for so long and eventually it would feel suffocating.
So, I sought out everything I could to alleviate this pressure. I have found a lot of activities that let me escape everything that was causing my stress. I love to read books and I love to dance and I also love to sew. These things have brought me great solace in a world of the unknown. Another solace came for me about two years ago, and that was yoga.
Not only has the physical practice (asana) of yoga been beneficial but the whole philosophy has changed my outlook on life and the way I look inward. I am a student of Hatha yoga and the Eight Limbs of Patanjali which have had such a positive impact on my mental and emotional mindset. I am also a certified Yin Yoga teacher. The benefits of yoga are so great that I wanted to share it in my own way. And I hope that it can be a part of your life as well.